
Showing posts from October, 2023

Entry #6 "Welcome to New York"

 Taylor Swift is a mastermind when it comes to marketing strategies. Tonight, she will release 1989 Taylors version nine years after the original album was released. You may be thinking, "how can she re release an album when we've already heard the songs?" She has somehow successfully done it in the past and it all part of her plan to own her music.      Everyone knows this album. You could play pretty much any song and everyone would be able to sing along. So why is Taylor trying to re release it when it has already had its spotlight? Wouldn't it just flop since everyone already knows the songs? Taylor is releasing all of her old albums that she does not own the rights to. By rerecording it, and calling it (Taylor's Version), she is able to re release the music she wrote and have the rights to do what she wants with it.      She has done this with three of her previous albums all of which have broken records and have grown to become more successful t...

Entry #5 A World Of Ad's

 Advertisements are a common thing that we encounter when viewing almost any media. Wether it be a show on tv, YouTube, or even driving down the freeway we are most likely faced with multiple ads that try to influence the way that we think. These advertisments use different methods to actually influence us. This advertisement about Allstate insurance , uses a couple different methods to change our perspective and try to convince us to buy their product. The commercial for Allstate insurance immediately starts out with our actor appearing to be in some sort of accident based off of the bandages and blood on his face. He is then seen talking to the camera is if he is making a video. He then states that he is doing it for the "likes." This gives us the first insight that he is referring to a world that is engulfed in social media. He seems to be sarcastic like he is making fun of people who will do anything for the likes. He then, suggest a bad idea and acknowledges that it will...

Entry #4 Fame from Home

 In todays day, we often see musical artists creating their music from home and being extremely succesful. This is extremely different from the past where artists would rely on studios and labels to pay for them to record their music. Not only has it made it easier for upcoming artists to create music, it has increased exploration of musical genres and created growth for musical artists.    You may be wondering, how can someone make music in their room without a band or instruments to actually make the music? Due to advances in technology there has been an extreme change in how sound is engineered and made it a much easier field to experiment with. Rather then relying on expensive equipment to create music, you can now use something as simple as just your computer. Artists such as Billie Ellish have created successful albums in their rooms with little equipment such as a computer, microphone, and speakers. Rollin Stones has a video on YouTube showing behind the scenes of...

Entry# 3 Tin Can

     The rectangular tin can always sat in my grandpas car. Every time I got in 'd take one. I remember spending time with him and the memories we made. It became apart of our routine to take one each time we got into the car. The experience... iconic.       Every time, when you would grab the tin, you could hear the contents rattle around inside. With growing anticipation, I would open the tin and grab a piece out. As you placed it onto your tongue you could instantly feel the flavor spread across your tongue spreading chills throughout your body. As it would dissolve, the spicy flavor would linger in my mouth. It would leave you feeling refreshed not only your breath but it sent a tingly sensation throughout my body.           The contents of this insignificant tin create a universal experience that everyone can appreciate. Personally, it reminds me of people in my life and brings up fond memories which further elevates ...

Entry #2. The Blackout

Have you ever been to a concert and cannot remember it? Like you can remember that you were there, but you don't actually remember what happened. That happened to me at the Eras Tour. I know that I went but there are parts of the show that I do not recall happening. Only when watching videos or seeing TikTok's did I being to realize, "Wait, when did that happen?" Turns out, It is a real thing that others have experienced. So what causes us to have these lapses in our brain where we cannot remember details. Joel Stoddard, a professor at the University of Colorado, says that our brains can enter a state where it does not record memories due to its excited state.  Because of the adrenaline and excitements you get when at a concert, your brain enters this state where it does not retain information. Another fan who attended the Eras tours says that she could not actually comprehend what she witnessed due to the sensory overload she received.  While this may seem like a bad...