Entry #5 A World Of Ad's

 Advertisements are a common thing that we encounter when viewing almost any media. Wether it be a show on tv, YouTube, or even driving down the freeway we are most likely faced with multiple ads that try to influence the way that we think. These advertisments use different methods to actually influence us. This advertisement about Allstate insurance, uses a couple different methods to change our perspective and try to convince us to buy their product.

Advertising Makes Us Unhappy

The commercial for Allstate insurance immediately starts out with our actor appearing to be in some sort of accident based off of the bandages and blood on his face. He is then seen talking to the camera is if he is making a video. He then states that he is doing it for the "likes." This gives us the first insight that he is referring to a world that is engulfed in social media. He seems to be sarcastic like he is making fun of people who will do anything for the likes. He then, suggest a bad idea and acknowledges that it will end in disaster but continues to do it anyway. As he places the iron on the towel, we see it begin to smokes. Meanwhile, he begins to talk about how Allstate will protect you from bad situations, as we can see a fire start. lastly, he walks away from the fire and off the screen. The actor here, is portraying a consumer who is in need of insurance. By creating a chaotic situation, he is demonstrating what the insurance company can protect you from. This advertisement tells us that our wold revolves heavily around social media and influencers. By becoming dramatic and talking out loud what is happening, we realize that some of the media we consume is ridiculous although normal in today's age.

The commercial uses culture to become relevant in consumers lives so that they can feel related to the ad. They are more likely to pay attention and be influenced if they feel like the situation can apply to them. While creating a funny moment, they display how disaster can happen to you and warn that without it it will cost you unless you go with their insurance company.


  1. I liked how you pointed out how the ad grabs the audiences attention using relevant pop culture

  2. I agree and liked the way you wrote how this ad convinces people to get the insurance by using popular culture and getting the normal person's attention with humor. The absurdity of the ad can be seen as a little goofy, but when you think about it, the normal person will think again that this could happen to them, and they should get the insurance just in case.


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