Entry #7 Fresh Food?

    Where does our food even come from? After watching the Fresh movie, I started to think about the conditions in which our is produced. Before this, the farthest I had ever thought about it was the grocery store that we get our food from. There is a longer chain of where our food comes from than I have ever thought about.

Farm Animals | Healthy Pets, Healthy People | CDC

    The Fresh movie is targeted toward consumers who are affected by the conditions in which our food is grown. By showing different farming conditions and talking to farmers about how they run their farms, the producers give us examples of different types of farms and how they treat their livestock. They are also talking to farmers about the conditions of their farms, many of which have turned away from inhumane methods. By giving us first-hand witnesses and showing graphic fFrootage of cruel farms, they are proving that it is better for the animals living on these farms with more humane and caring methods.

    This film is important to us as consumers. If we care about our bodies, then the food that we eat is important to us. We can make a difference by buying from farms that use safer, more sanitary methods on their livestock. This is not only beneficial to us but why would we not want to support ethical practices on the animals that we eventually eat.

    The Fresh movie effectively gave us first-hand examples and experiences of farmers. By showing that after using inhumane methods on their livestock, even the farmers realized that is is not only ethically wrong but more beneficial for their animals, they are able to create a convincing argument that we should be aware of what food we put into our bodies and how it was raised.


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