Entry #9 Is food actually good?


Fuel up.. | Brookelion
    Fast food has become a common source for most of people's meals. After all, it is convenient, somewhat affordable, and most of all convenient. This McDonald's ad shows a fuel pump, which represents McDonald's food pouring into the soda representing our food. The ad uses the line, "Fuel up... feel good!" Is McDonald's really a healthy source for us to be fueling our bodies with?
    In this ad, McDonald's is saying that their food offers fuel for our bodies. Based off of the sources of their food, and how they cook it, is it really the best option to give us nutrients?
    In society nowadays, it is common for people to rely mainly on fast food places to feed themselves. This poses the problem of are these fast food places actually fueling our bodies with the nutrients our bodies need. In order to keep costs down and maximize their profit, many places use cheap nutritional sources for their food and then cook them in unhealthy ways, which may make us feel full but, in reality, is only causing damage in the long run.
    Not only are fast food meals bad for our bodies, but eating homecooked meals allows us to bond with whom we share our meals feeding our spirit. When we share a meal with family, we can connect and talk, leaving not only our bodies nourished with healthier food but also our hearts by connecting with the people we love.
Homemade Meals To Make While Traveling - Tourism on the Edge
    Now, I get it. Cooking can be time-consuming, and eating out is easier after a long day. While this may be true, think of the benefits that it can have on you and your family. Start by implementing just a few home-cooked meals a day so that you can capitalize on the benefits that are available to you.


  1. I agree that society shouldn't be eating so much fast food and especially not McDonald's. I learned they have over 10+ different meats in their hamburgers. Not to mention they are the leading cause in obesity.


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